Maintenance Management is a discipline
Maintenance Management is a discipline, but it also requires discipline. Proving a high availability of the machines and a long life span are inextricably connected to Maintenance Management. But that is not all: maintenance managers also deal with the costs of that maintenance as well as with safety and environmental matters.
In order to correctly perform maintenance management, a lot of supporting tools are required. When a certain proportion and complexity is reached, it is no longer advisable or even possible to do this manually. Rimses is built by people with knowledge and expertise in the field of maintenance management, making it the tool par excellence for these situations.
Strength of the link
A chain is no stronger than its weakest link. Maintenance managers make sure that maintenance is not a 'weak link' within the chain of their organization. With Rimses, we offer them a tool that enables them to make a positive contribution to the organization's goals. For example by achieving a good OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness), the capacity utilization of the present machinery.
But the maintenance in itself is like a chain with links as well. Good maintenance correlates with a number of aspects such as drawing up the correct maintenance plans, quickly performing corrective maintenance when needed, having the right people and means at one's disposal,... Rimses offers an integrated solution that covers the entire maintenance chain.
The possibility to set up workflows ensures that no important parts are overlooked and that all steps are taken logically and insightfully. This way, the strongest possible chain is forged.
A Maintenance Manager is expected to have a broad expertise. Securing this information, results in reusable information. Rimses Analyzer offers the possibility to simply convert information from Rimses into powerful reports. These reports can form the basis for the inquiry into the causes of certain malfunctions (Root Cause Analysis). These analyses can be used to make the right decisions, as early as in the design phase of a new asset/investment. For, it is not only about the initial price of an investment but more about the TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) combined with performances. This can also be referred to as TPO (Total Profit of Ownership).

Good Maintenance Management with the help of Rimses will result in improved maintenance performances. Contact us today. We are happy to talk to you about your specific situation and we would like to show you the capabilities of our solutions.
These functions are available in the products: