In keeping with tradition, Inetum-Realdolmen has released yet another iteration of Rimses last month (version 6.10). We're eager to provide you with comprehensive insights into the fresh functionalities and opportunities brought forth by this latest release.
Rimses 6.9 is available for you
As usual, Inetum-Realdolmen has delivered a new version of Rimses over the past month (version 6.9)
Rimses 6.8 is available for you
As usual, Inetum-Realdolmen has delivered a new version of Rimses over the past month. Discover what's new.
Rimses 6.7 is available for you
As usual, Realdolmen has delivered a new version of Rimses 6.7 over the past month. Every year, we update Rimses with new functionalities. Most of the current year’s efforts have focused on graphic planning improvements.
The real value of predictive maintenance
The value of predictive maintenance comes not only from replacing old technology with new technology. The powerful combination of algorithms and the human-computer symbiosis can take your maintenance to a higher level.
Get the most out of your maintenance software.
For many years now, the Rimses team has been committed to supporting our customers who use support software to organize maintenance work. We see that there is still great potential for improvement once the maintenance package has been properly implemented.
Rimses 6.6 is available for you
As usual, Realdolmen has delivered a new version of Rimses 6.6 over the past month. We would also like to inform you on the new functionalities and possibilities this new version offers. In a nutshell we can state that user-friendliness is always on the agenda of every new version.