As usual, Realdolmen has delivered a new version of Rimses 6.6 over the past month.
We would also like to inform you on the new functionalities and possibilities this new version offers. In a nutshell we can state that user-friendliness is always on the agenda of every new version. This new version is no different, where especially many import functions are supported for you as a user: loading work requests, objects and scheduled maintenance.
With Rimses 6.5 you could already upload the structure. This allows you to integrate the data very quickly without any help from us. Now, with Rimses 6.6, you can rapidly search through the work order history text fields to immediatly find all relevant work orders when faced with a specific problem. With the checklist function you can create inspection lists with ease and make them available on the technician's mobile device with Rimses Mobile Maintenance. Add dynamic selection periods, provide selections per logged-in user to facilitate searches and add them to the start screen. The list of hours worked per month makes it easier to get an overview of the hours worked per day per person, department, team, etc. TPM work orders have become more flexible for recording working hours, ready reporting and assigning implementers.
Download the flyer or contact us for more information.