Workflow work process

In order for everyone who is involved in the maintenance of infrastructure, rolling stock, machines and devices to be aware of all the information, every step of the maintenance process must be recorded in the system. 
In the Work order management Rimses provides all functions for the requestor, the planner and the executor of work.  You will find an example of an extensive work flow in the diagram.

You are, however, not obliged to execute all the steps for a work order.  The planner can immediately create a work order, which means that he doesn't necessarily have to start from a work request. What's more, for rush work orders you will not complete the work order until after its execution. You do so in order not to lose the information.  You decide yourself which steps the process requires.

This way, you can determine whether or not you only want to terminate work orders technically. You may want to add a step in order to close the work order administratively after its technical termination.  This can be done when all the costs on the work order have been collected.  After that, the work order has been terminated completely.


Rimses is work flow driven

If specific procedures must be followed, you want to able to record them without having to set it up over and over again. Rimses allows you to configure the work process work flow so that you can determine whether or not authorization for work requests or work orders is required. 

You can define which person has to approve a work request or work order from which amount. 

Based on the type of maintenance work, you also decide if a work order can be exempted from authorization. 

You can also enforce procedures by automatically starting specific Rimes6 windows which obliges the user to enter the required data. This can also be done for individual fields. By means of a window layout adjustment you can even determine the tab sequence and thus guiding the user through the required fields.

Rimses uses alerts (signals) to inform the persons involved whether an action is expected of them. This can range from alerts for authorization of the work request or work order to alerts for notification of work order adjustments to planners and alerts for work order acceptance to the production manager. The alerts can also be received by e-mail.

The work flow for work process is available in the products:
