Technical installation companies work better through strong integration with customer information and service management
As a service providing company, you always put the customer first. You have a technical installation company that sells or hires installations to other companies or that offers service and maintenance to customers.
As such, you support the sales, field service and maintenance of technical and, for your customer, valuable installations.
Rimses Service offers you a fully integrated solution with which all your employees can easily exchange and transfer information. Sales knows what the business yields, field service knows what has been agreed upon with the customer regarding a specific project or an installation, stock managers closely monitor the stock of spare parts for interventions, including the vehicle stock, they manage the expedition of material as well.
Knowledge of the installed base at your customer
When you perform an installation, you obviously want access to all relevant information about each customer contact and each service.
- What has been installed?
- When has the installation been performed?
- Which interventions have been done on the installation?
- Is the customer satisfied with the installation and the service?
- ...
Rimses allows you to conveniently store all the information about the installation in a tree structure. Customers can have several installation addresses.
You have all information about an installation and its spare parts ready at hand, including maintenance data, measurements, costs, technical specifications, drawings, plans, documents, service contracts, etc.

Call intake: your customer is certainly not just a number to you!
With the Call Intake function of Rimses6, the help desk operator immediately has all the information about the customer and the installation at his disposal, allowing him to treat the customer in a highly professional way. He also has direct access to the planning of the service engineers. This way, the operator knows exactly who can respond the quickest to a failure on-site.
Integration of planning results in improved customer service
Not only for interventions based on planned maintenance but also for interventions as a result of failure reporting; with Call Intake you have access to the service contracts when planning the work to be executed.
The contract information determines the desired intervention, the speed of the intervention and the required qualifications of the field service engineer so that you can execute the planning as such.
The planning table will display the availability of technicians as well as the materials and means that are required for the execution of work.
Your planning officers can work more efficiently. The result: satisfied customers.
Field Service can communicate smoothly
The field service engineers themselves also give feedback to Rimses. They provide information about the intervention that was executed, the materials that were used, the worked hours and the problems that were found.
If the technician is equipped with Rimses Mobile, he is able to record this information on-site and add all sorts of documents and photographs.
The automatic replenishment can be started directly in order to replenish the vehicle stock.
Project monitoring
For technical installation services, you can follow up the projects from the sales order to the execution, both operationally and financially. Cost estimation, budget control during the execution and subsequent calculation ensure that you always have a finger on the pulse and that the profit margins can be consulted at all times.
For projects, you can use the expedition function to indicate on which yard or location the purchased materials have to be delivered.
Besides standard reports, Rimses Analyzer also offers extensive analysis capabilities and KPI's regarding your service management.
You will find the functionalities for service management in Rimses Service.
For mobile support there is Rimses Mobile.
In Rimses Service you also have functionalities for Maintenance management and Logistic management.